It is time to enjoy now Discover the beautiful things of life together I like a good conversation good food sports nature and enjoy going out Life has so much beauty to offer let us enjoy

Dirkie: white man looking for active woman...
Seeking: Female Age 28 to 55
Status: 55 Divorced Straight Male
Interest In: Friendship
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Living: Live by myself
Eye Catcher: Eyes
Height: 6'8 inches
Body: Athletic and Muscular
Hair/Eyes: Bald, Brown
Smoke: No way
Drink: Only socially
Exercise 4 times a week
Politics: No Answer
Education: High school
Religion: No preference
Income: $65,001 to $85,000
Occupation: Manager
Offspring: Children not at home
Personality: Adventurous
Country: Suriname

It is time to enjoy now Discover the beautiful things of life together I like a good conversation good food sports nature and enjoy going out Life has so much beauty to offer let us enjoy

Nature  Sports  Travelling