Single Male in United Kingdom, , Singles in Lancashire, Manchester Male

Alas: looking for friendship chatting online rela
Seeking: No Answer Age 18 to 57
Status: 47 Single Straight Male
Interest In: Other
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Living: Live with my children
Eye Catcher: Eyes
Height: 5'8 inches
Body: Average
Hair/Eyes: Black, Brown
Smoke: No way
Drink: Never touch it
Exercise 4 times a week
Politics: None
Education: Bachelors degree
Religion: No preference
Income: $15,001 to $25,000
Occupation: IT
Offspring: No Answer
Personality: Funny
Country: United Kingdom

Generosity kindness and a big smile I like to hear other people stories love to make friend Im really good listener

CONTACT REQUIREMENTSNo Contact is allowed if:

  • You are NOT between the ages of 19 and 80.